African Bible University of Uganda

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This unique educational institution is not new to Africa. The original vision for the college began in the hearts and minds of Dr. and Mrs. John W. Chinchen. After spending seven years training pastors in the interior of Liberia, the Chinchens realized the great need for colleges that would respond to the need of the increasing number of secondary school graduates in Africa. In 1975 the vision became reality when the first of the African Bible Colleges began in Liberia, West Africa. A second college opened in 1989 in the Central African country of Malawi. In due time, both of these colleges were recognized by the governments of their respective countries as accredited, university-level, degree-granting institutions. A third of these Christ-committed colleges is in the strategically located East African country of Uganda. From this vantage point, ABU Uganda offers quality education from a Christian perspective to the surrounding countries of Sudan, Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Rwanda, Burundi, Tanzania, Kenya and Ethiopia.

 An exciting online degree program has been established as well as a radio program.


African Bible Colleges, Inc. is a higher educational institution where the Bible is central and the growth of Christian life and ministry is essential. All students must take the required Biblical Studies courses as part of the college's Liberal Arts curriculum, as well as general education classes that help the student get ready for a variety of Christian service jobs. The integration of a Biblical worldview with both life and learning experiences is a crucial part of the philosophy of the Bible college. The primary goal of the courses is to prepare students for service in the world and ministry in the church.


Prayer Requests:

  • For the leadership of ABU Uganda
  • For Christian men and women who will transform Africa using their education
  • For God to supply the student body, faculty, facilities, and finances needed



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